Development Corporation
of Stamford
Creating opportunity for local businesses and economic growth
Welcome from the Development Corporation of Stamford, Inc. (DCOS)!
Like most small towns in Texas today, the population is diverse. And in Stamford there is a strong sense of community with one goal in mind – Make this the best place in Texas to live.
There is a vibrant business community here in all facets of commercial and retail trade. There are also many community events throughout the year with support for a very active Chamber of Commerce.
The DCOS is here to work with business’s by assisting in many ways with start up or growth, and offers expertise in may facets of operation and planning.
We hope this information provided on this page will be helpful as you consider starting or growing your business in Stamford. Please contact us if you have any questions about our programs or services.
And again — Welcome to Stamford!
What is the DCOS
The Corporation exists under state law and is non-profit, tax exempt and operates under the auspices of the City government, and its own board of directors, which is appointed by the city council.
The Development Corporation was voted on, approved and established in 1990 as a type 4A Development Corporation under state statute Title 12, Subtitle C1, Subchapter 501. This type has the most restrictive use of funds of the three types available. 4A types mainly deal with Manufacturing, Industrial and Commercial enterprises that create Primary Jobs as defined in the statute. Therefore, we are limited in funds dispersal. However, more rural areas locally, may be creative in staying within the guidelines to use the funds, in their opinion, in the best interest of its community. The DCOS offers several types of assistance that are further discussed in our section on Assistance.
The DCOS meets monthly, the 3rd Tues of the month at 4:00pm at 107 E. McHarg St. Stamford, Texas.
Our Board
Rex Ford - President
Joe McMeans - Vice-President
Jamie Jordan - Member
Cary McClintock - Member
Jeff Robertson - Member
Jim Astin - Secretary/Executive Director
Get in touch with the DCOS
10am to 4pm M-F
and available by phone at anytime.
107 E. McHarg
Stamford, Texas 79553