City Departments
Steve Norwood - City Manager
The City Manager oversees all operational decisions of the town from waterlines and distribution to street repair to city services. To contact City Management please contact the City Hall Offices by calling 325-773-2591.
City Hall Office
The City Hall Offices are your central location for all things Stamford. Here you can pay your water bill, get information about building permits, and gain other important information about the city.
Located at 201 E. McHarg
Open Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Office Phone: (325) 773-2723 -
Pat Pierce - Interim Volunteer Fire Chief
The Stamford Volunteer Fire Department is located at City Hall. Please call 911 if there is a fire emergency. All other inquiries for the Stamford Fire Department can be made by calling (325) 773-2591.
Darwin Hutson - Police Chief
The Stamford Police Station is located at 115 N. Swenson. To contact the non-emergency line call 325-773-3647. For emergency services, dial 911.
Stamford Animal Control helps with management of loose or stray pets, animal removal, and management of our City Shelter. If you are need of animal controls services please contact our Animal Control Officer by calling City Hall at 325-773-2723.
Manuel Ramos - Code Officer
For questions about building permits or construction, or to report a code enforcement issue (illegal parking, unkept property, etc…) please contact the City Hall offices at 325-773-2723
Stamford EMS is a Jones County 911 provider for the communities of Stamford, Lueders, and Avoca.
Their goal is to provide emergency life saving care to the citizens of Stamford and the surrounding area.
Located at 1301 N. Swenson.
Email : emsstamford@gmail.com
The Stamford Convenience Station is located just north of the square on West Oliver St.
The facility contains several large dumpsters that can be utilized at no cost to dispose of bulk trash items, wood and metal, or appliances. There is also a designated area for brush and limb disposal.Hours:
Wednesday: 1 - 5 p.m.
Thurs. - Sat.: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.