Stamford Chamber of Commerce

Supporting Local Business and Tourism

The Stamford Chamber of Commerce was established in 1967 to advance agricultural, civic, commercial and industrial interests of the City of Stamford and adjacent communities. The Chamber works to promote a strong business community in Stamford through events, programs and community partnerships.

Being a member of the Stamford Chamber of Commerce is more than an annual due or displaying a membership sticker. Being a member is about being an invested member in the economy and tourism of Stamford. It also provides numerous services to your business, as well supports local community events and programs. It’s easy to become a member!

Become a 2025-2026 Member Today!

2025-2026 Membership is valid from April 1, 2025 - March 31, 2026.

Chamber membership fees are annual and can be paid via cash, check, or card.

Tiers are based on total number of employees, including yourself.

For example, you operate a business with 3 full time employees and 1 part-time employee. Your membership would fall under the 2-4 employees as there are 5 total people in your business.

Standard membership benefits are offered to all annual Chamber members, with the exception of political candidates (please see FAQs for more information).

Keep scrolling for more information about our membership benefits and FAQs.

Renewing with check or cash?

Please use this form and remit payment to Stamford Chamber of Commerce 107 E. McHarg, Stamford, Texas 79553.

Membership Benefits

Being a member of the Stamford Chamber of Commerce goes beyond paying annual dues or displaying a membership sticker. It’s about actively investing in Stamford’s economy and tourism while gaining access to valuable services for your business. Membership also helps support local community events and programs. Joining is simple and rewarding!

  • Member only referrals to public inquiries.

  • Exclusive access to our Member Resource Portal

  • Featured business listings on the marquee, website and other Chamber communications that are available for the entire membership year.

  • Access to our free advertising program with KTXS TV.

  • A member window cling, digital sticker for your website or desktop picture to display in your business.

  • Regular promotions and shares on our Chamber of Commerce social media page (monthly reach of approximately 5000 people)

  • Free attendance to business and marketing training events and access to resources to help you grow and expand your business locally and online.

  • Grand Opening or Celebration Ribbon Cutting events, per request.

  • Personalized business support, consultations and resources.

  • First rights to sponsor Chamber-ran events through advertising and promotion of your business in community events, like the Annual Fall Festival and Holly Jolly Christmas.

  • Discounted vendor and marketing spaces at any Chamber of Commerce tourism event, such as Market on the Square, Fall Festival, etc...

  • Free week-long promotional slides on the downtown marquee, in addition to your regular “Chamber Spotlight” slide. Per request.

  • Two free social media promotions per month, per request.

  • Be a designated business for purchasing gift cards or gift items exclusively for Chamber-ran community event raffles and giveaways.

  • Be entered into a monthly Membership Perks drawing for free additional advertising, gifts for your office, or other fun perks.

Already a Chamber Member?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, your standard membership only covers one local business. Your second business may be added at a 20% discount based on the number of employees + you for a membership of equal or lesser value.

  • Benefits will only directly apply to the local Stamford branch, or closest branch to Stamford.

  • We welcome all individuals who support Stamford and our businesses to be members, though we cannot express support or endorse any political candidates, including any advertising or promotional benefits paid for by the Chamber of Commerce. Politically affiliated members are invited to attend any event on their own accord to network and meet community members

  • Yes, your business is welcome where ever it is located. There are no city limits or regional boundaries that exclude any business which wants to join the Stamford Chamber of Commerce. We only ask that your company provides services or products in or around the community of Stamford.

  • Being a member of the Chamber of Commerce can add legitimacy to your online business. Plus, we offer a number of resources and workshops that may be beneficial to you as you seek to grow and promote your business online.

    • The answer to whether joining is worth it depends on your specific business needs and circumstances. Here are a few questions to help you decide:

      • Do you want to expand your network and connect with other local business owners?

      • Are you looking for ways to increase your business’s visibility and credibility?

      • Do you want access to resources and support to help your business grow?

      • Can you afford the membership fee and commit time to participate in Chamber activities?

    • If you answered “yes” to most of these questions, joining the Stamford Chamber of Commerce could be a smart move for your business.

Our Board

Preston Cox - Chamber Director
Kassidy Swonger - President - Central Texas Farm Credit
Loretta Webb - Vice President - Stamford Housing Authority
Kayce Chambers - Secretary - Epique Realtors
Terry Richey - Treasurer - Individual Representative
Gwen Baker - Salvation Army of Stamford
Adam Mendez - Done, Done Services
Eric Swick - Body by Wicked / Epic Butterfly Ink
Isabel Alvarado - Stamford Independent School District
Cody McClintock - Big Country Electric Coop